[2009_06_16] New York OAC 6586 kHz
Mais uma escuta efetuada pelo amigo GustavoBM em 16/JUN/2009 por volta das 0400 as 04:30UTC onde, com uma boa propagação e pouca ocorrência de ruídos, ele escutou o Controle New York em 6586 kHz, com um sinal muito bom.
- Aeromexico 001: "requesting FL380 due right moderated continuous turbulence"
- Selcal Code: JR-KS EI-CZH Blue Panorama Boeing 767-3G5(ER) - Blue Panorama 1119
- Jetblue 828: "over ULEMO at 0400 FL380, estimating AZEZU 0457, SAVIK is next, 121.6"
- Blue Panorama 1119: "Cleared to destination airport LIMC, ..., UN470, maintain FL350 maintain Mach .80" ... "cleared direct FIVZE then 038N 050W, read back"
- Selcal Code: FR-PQ N745AM Aeromexico Boeing 777-2Q8(ER) - Aeromexico 001
- Aeromexico 001: "ATC Clearance, climb to reach FL380 time 0415, report FL380, time check 0404, you can change now prymary 6577, secondary 5550."
- Speedbird 34N: "Request climb to FL370 due weather." ... "copy requesting FL370 due weather, climb and maintain FL350, stand by on your request, we'll call you back"
- Jetblue 839: " ... FL370, Check Fuel 13.6, Contact Miami Center on VHF 132.3"
- Selcal Code: FR-PQ N745AM Aeromexico Boeing 777-2Q8(ER) - Aeromexico 001
- Falcon PR-CCC: Requesting position
- Iberworld 9804: "Oceanic Clearance, Cleared destination airport LEMD, M204, 344N 050W, 460N 040W, 046N 030W, 043N 020W, ARMED, PRT, maintain FL410, maintain Mach .80"
- KLM 424: "FL360, check fuel 80.9 kilograms, you can change now primary 6577, secondary 5550"
- Selcal Code: BP-AF G-BNLA British Airways Boeing 747-436 - Speedbird 34N
- Air Europa 052: "Requesting FL370, stand by on your request, i'll call you back"
- Selcal Code: BP-AF G-BNLA British Airways Boeing 747-436 - Speedbird 34N
- Speedbird 34N: "New York ATC advices unable higher due traffic, ..., maintain FL350."
- Blue Panorama 1119 "... FL350, 38N 50W, 0608, 44N 40W is next, Temperature -46, wind 333 diagonal 15, change now primary 6628, secondary 8825"
- American 1692 "requesting FL380, estimating SAVIK 0451"
- Selcal Code: CR-EF N603AA American Airlines Boeing 757-223 - American 1692
- American 1692: "ATC Cleared to climb to reach FL380 by time 0430, report leveled FL380, readback"... "Please time check, time 0419 when you have"
- Selcal Code: EP-HM EC-KCP Iberworld Airbus A330-343X - Iberworld 9804
- Iberworld 9804: "NY ATC request your position report, go ahead"... "FL410, estimating MAXIM 0447, ..., "temperature -63 wind 333 diagonal 41" ... "you can make your MAXIM report on frequency 6577 and secondary 5550".
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