[2009_08_01] HFDL Map Log
Segue o mapa com as coordenadas das aeronaves plotadas, que monitorei das 20h às 02h30 UTC de hoje . Devido a propagação estar muito ruim, poucos voos puderam ser recebidos.
As aeronaves sobre a Espanha e França foram recebidas durante a greyline, por volta das 21h UTC e após isso, pouca coisa. Vamos esperar que a boa propagação volte em breve.
Here is the map generated today with the plotted coordinates sent from the airplanes via HFDL messages from around 20:00 to 02:30 UTC. Due a very bad propagation few flights were received and those over Spain and France were received during the greyline time, around 21h UTC, and after that, almost nothing was received. I hope i can get a good propagation soon.
As aeronaves sobre a Espanha e França foram recebidas durante a greyline, por volta das 21h UTC e após isso, pouca coisa. Vamos esperar que a boa propagação volte em breve.
Here is the map generated today with the plotted coordinates sent from the airplanes via HFDL messages from around 20:00 to 02:30 UTC. Due a very bad propagation few flights were received and those over Spain and France were received during the greyline time, around 21h UTC, and after that, almost nothing was received. I hope i can get a good propagation soon.
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